Feedback on Steps Back to Health…

… and kind words about Dr Claire’s consultations…

“I just wanted to say Completing The Jigsaw (Steps Back to Health) is the best resource I have found to date ( believe you, me, I have been reading everything about ME). I am currently step by step using the information on my road to recovery.”
Lynne (MAR, Dip Reflexology, Dip Aromatherapy),

“I am doing extremely well, I went on a walking holiday to Italy for a week and I felt fantastic with lots of energy! We got back on Thursday night and started straight away with my routine, chi machine and yesterday the chi machine, the infra red and the airnergy.  The change I have had in my health is absolutely amazing, thanks to you.  I am following your advice and going slowly with the infra-red, chi-machine and the Airnergy. Thank you for being there for when I need your advice, I do appreciate it.”

“I have only just read your book. It’s brilliant. I think it resonates brilliant with  my “bigger picture” situation… Your work is excellent in describing clearly the complexity of chronic fatigue/exhaustion in the round as well as describing the myriad  treatment strategies employable around now as well.. in my opinion..!”

“Many thanks for sending me your ‘Steps back to health’. It seems to me that all the threads of hope and information I have gleaned over the years, you have brought together into a cohesive whole. Although I have not studied it in depth yet, I can see that it is a marvellous tool, and very flexible as well” 

“Thanks a million. I love the detail and the breadth of info yet everything is so accessible. Now I really know how to skin-brush and breathe and I can really identify with pages 21-25. It’s great!”

“Thank you very much for your ‘phone consult and following letter with all the information. Both were a real tonic – greatly appreciated….”

“Thank you for calling me so promptly. It’s good to talk to someone who knows what it’s like and has insight.”

“…Your medical background gives you superb insight into our debilitating conditions…what I have read (of your book) today was clear, concise and very well expressed i.e. in terms of sentence construction, explanations and lay-out. I found a great balance between the technical information and general. Congratulations! Your Protocol will obviously help a great many patients and doctors, therapists and, hopefully, researchers.”

“Thank you for your help and support.  We have all felt somewhat isolated, friends are so kind and sympathetic but they find it hard to empathise; ME/CFS is such a different kind of illness. Communicating with you has been a great comfort” 

“Thank you so much for your call to John on Thursday. It couldn’t have come at a better time, and your words really did help him enormously… Now we realise he’s just been shutting anxiety away for the last few years, so it’s a good thing it is all being released. “